
  • Java (Beginner) Programming Tutorials (thenewboston)

    Series of short, helpful YouTube video tutorials by Bucky Roberts on Java programming. Covers the same material as the CS218 Java Programming course, as well as graphics and GUI programming.

  • Jenkov: Java Language Tutorial

    Tutorial by Jakob Jenkov introducing Java and the fundamentals of Java programming; covers all of the material in the CS218 Java Programming course. Good place to start if you are a beginner new to Java.

  • Learn Java Programming with Examples (Beginner's Book)

    A series of Java tutorials by Beginner's Book that discusses the basics of Java. Covers the same material as the CS218 Java Programming course. Includes many sample programs that you can copy and run yourself.

  • A Complete Guide to CSS Media Queries

    Comprehensive tutorial from CSS-Tricks that explains CSS media queries, including plenty of examples.

  • A Guide to Java Sockets (Baeldung)

    Tutorial and reference by Baeldung on using TCP and UDP sockets in Java. Includes basic examples that demonstrate Java's java.net.Socket class in action.

  • AJAX Introduction (W3Schools)

    Introduction to the AJAX tutorial from W3Schools with examples and sandboxes to experiment with code. The tutorial includes a walkthrough of JavaScript's XmlHttpRequest and how to use it.

  • An Introduction to String Functions in Python (DigitalOcean)

    Tutorial by Lisa Tagliaferri on how to use Python's most popular string functions, including lower(), upper(), Boolean methods, len() and replace(). Includes plenty of easy-to-understand examples.

  • Angular: Tour of Heroes

    Tutorial covering the fundamentals of Angular.

  • Apache: How to Install on Windows 10

    Tutorial that walks you through installing, configuring, and testing a basic Apache web server on a Windows 10 PC. Note: the Apache Foundation no longer maintains binaries for Windows, so please use the third-party binaries from Apache Lounge or ApacheHaus instead.

  • ARM Assembler in Raspberry Pi

    An online book and tutorial on ARM assembly programming with the Raspberry Pi computer.

  • ASP.NET MVC 5 Partial View with Ajax Form

    Brief tutorial that demonstrates how to make a simple AJAX search form in MVC 5 that returns results as a partial view.

  • Azure: Controlling and Granting SQL Database Access

    Discusses how to give people and applications access to your Azure SQL database, including the use of administrative accounts, groups and roles, server logins, and database users . Also discusses (with examples) how to grant limited user permissions using built-in stored procedures, as well as security policies and restrictions that govern which users can perform sensitive operations.

  • Azure: Design your first Azure SQL database

    Microsoft tutorial on setting up a SQL Server database server in your Azure account, as well as designing a database using SQL Server 2016 Management Studio. NOTE: Your Azure for Students license lets you set up one database per region (e.g., Eastern U.S., Southern U.S., Western Europe). You can still set up multiple databases in your account, as long as you choose a unique region for each instance.

  • Beginning Python Programming for Aspiring Web Developers

    Online e-book introducing the Python programming language. Covers nearly all of the same material as the CS175 course. The later chapters discuss using Python for web application development. Lots of examples and exercises throughout.

  • Blender Tutorials (Official)

    Online (video) tutorials to help you learn Blender

  • Bootstrap 4 Tutorial - W3Schools

    W3Schools tutorial and reference on Bootstrap 4, one of the most popular Web frameworks for developing mobile-friendly websites using responsive design. Requires basic knowledge of HTML and CSS.

  • Build your own Python RESTful Web Service

    Tutorial from Toward Data Science demonstrating how to build a RESTful web service in Python both as a local service and a Docker container.

  • C# for Absolute Beginners - Channel 9 (MSDN)

    Free online training videos from Microsoft that introduce the C# programming language. Lectures cover everything in the the CS225 C#.NET Programming course, plus a few other things that would be in an advanced course (e.g. LINQ)

  • C# Fundamentals - BlackWasp Tutorials

    Multi-part series of tutorials from BlackWasp that help you through the basics of C# syntax and concepts. Covers a broad range of introductory topics, including variables, operators, assignment, decisions, loops, and methods.

  • C#: Choosing Random Numbers (Dot-Net Perls)

    Tutorial on C#'s Random class to generate pseudo-random numbers. Includes many examples that uses the basic class, LINQ, and the RNGCryptoServiceProvider class for cryptography.

  • C#: Customizing the ToString Method - BlackWasp Tutorials

    Tutorial from BlackWasp that shows you to override the ToString method that every C# class inherits from the System.Object class. Also provides an example of setting up properties for fields.

  • C#: Breakpoints and Tracepoints in Visual Studio

    Tutorial from BlackWasp on how to use breakpoints and tracepoints to debug your C# code in Visual Studio. Note: the same tools and techniques apply to debugging code in any other language.

  • C#: Class Properties - BlackWasp Tutorials

    Tutorial by BlackWasp on using properties in your C# classes, allowing access to their private data members. Properties are simple, but essential parts of data-driven applications.

  • C#: Conditional Statements - BlackWasp Tutorials

    Tutorial from BlackWasp covering C# conditional statements for writing code that makes decisions. Includes if, if-else, and switch-case statements.

  • C#: Converting Strings to Numbers - BlackWasp Tutorials

    BlackWasp tutorial demonstrating how to convert strings into numeric data types in your C# programs. Covers the Convert.To, as well as the Parse command with and without the use of number styles.

  • C#: Dictionary Examples (Dot Net Perls)

    Dot Net Perls tutorial and examples of C#'s Dictionary collections class. Discusses some more advanced features, including using the TryGetValue() method with out parameters; creating key-value pairs using a list initializer; and using the var keyword.

  • C#: Dot Net Perls

    A C# reference and tutorial site that is a bit...out there. However, the site provides many, many EXCELLENT examples with clear, to-the-point explanations. Covers other programming languages, as well.

  • C#: Loops - BlackWasp Tutorials

    BlackWasp tutorials on writing loops in C#. The tutorials begin with traditional for loops, then move to foreach loops, followed by while loops. Also demonstrate the break and continue keywords.

  • C#: Numeric Formats in Strings

    A brief tutorial and reference by CodeBuns demonstrating how to format numbers (e.g., currency, percent, fixed) for use in strings, including syntax and shortcut specifiers - all with examples.

  • C#: Object-Oriented Programming - BlackWasp Tutorials

    Multi-part series of tutorials from BlackWasp on using object-oriented principles and techniques in C#. Covers objects, classes, interfaces, inheritance, polymorphism, delegates, and event handling.

  • C#: the for Statement - Channel 9 (MSDN)

    From the C# for Absolute Beginners video tutorial series: walks through how to use for loops using a simple counter, and how to combine loops with decision statements. Also shows you how to use Visual Studio's debugger to step through code line-by-line.

  • C#: the if Statement - Channel 9 (MSDN)

    From the C# for Absolute Beginners video tutorial series. Walks you through different decision statements: if, if-else, if-else-if, and the ternary operator. Also demonstrates how to use string placeholder syntax to cleanly print output that combines values with a string literal "template"

  • C#: the while Statement - Channel 9 (MSDN)

    From the C# for Absolute Beginners video tutorial series: walks through how to use while and do-while loops using different kinds of conditional tests. Also shows you how to use the Random class to generate pseudo-random numbers in a simple "Guess-a-Number" game.

  • C#: Understanding Arrays - Channel 9 (MSDN)

    From the C# for Absolute Beginners video tutorial series: lecture on arrays and how to work with them in C#. Also demonstrates how use the foreach loop to visit all of the elements in a full array; how to make a char[] array from a string, and how to use the Reverse function of the standard Array class.

  • C#: Visual Studio Debug Mode

    Introductory tutorial from BlackWasp on using the Visual Studio debugger. One of many articles that talk specifically about debugging.

  • C++ Resources Network

    Comprehensive website with references, tutorials, forums, and other information on the C++ language.

  • C++: How to Sort a vector of Custom Objects

    Tutorial explaining how to implement a custom class whose objects can be sorted by the standard C++ sort algorithm. Provides examples using sort and operator overloading, as well as a function object.

  • C++: How to Use Lambda Expressions to Sort Custom Objects

    Tutorial on using lambda expressions (introduced in C++ 11) in lieu of predicate functions or function objects to sort a vector of custom objects. Also shows you how to use the capture list to allow for custom sorting of those objects.

  • C++: const Declaration: Why & How

    Reference explaining the purposes of C++'s const keyword and how to use it.

  • C++: rand() and srand() Functions

    Tutorial on using the older C++ rand() and srand() functions to generate pseudo-random numbers.

  • CodingBat Recursion Exercises

    Basic and advanced recursion programming exercises in Java to help you " think recursively ".

  • Computer Algorithms @ Khan Academy

    Self-paced course that introduces basic algorithms, binary search, sorting algorithms, asymptotic notation, recursion, and graphs. Includes many programming exercises. NOTE: exercises are in JavaScript.

  • Create a Virtual Machine with Hyper-V on Windows 10

    Tutorial that walks you through the process of creating a virtual machine using Hyper-V Manager on Windows 10. The article assumes Hyper-V Manager has already been enabled.

  • Creating a Network Diagram with Network Notepad

    Brief video tutorial showing you how to install and use the Network Notepad diagramming tool.

  • Creating SQL Logins and SQL Users on your Azure SQL Database

    MSDN blog post tutorial on how to create logins and users for an Azure SQL Server and Database. Also shows you how to assign specific database roles to users. NOTE: the tutorial was written for an Azure database, but the same SQL commands, roles, and stored procedures apply to local SQL Server databases, as well.

  • CSS Tutorial & Reference - W3Schools

    Tutorial and reference website for all things related to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Each page includes a "try-me-out" section so that you can experiment with different styles on web page fragments.

  • Displaying and Flushing your DNS cache (Windows, Mac, and Linux)

    Brief guide from SolarWinds explaining how to both display and flush the DNS cache on a Mac, Windows PC, or Linux host.

  • Draw.io

    A free online diagramming software alternative to Microsoft Visio for building UML, E-R, and network diagrams, as well as process and organizational charts.

  • Eclipse: Changing the Appearance (Theme, Colors & Fonts)

    Brief tutorial that shows you how to change the theme of your Eclipse IDE, as well as individual colors and fonts.

  • Eclipse: Changing the Java Code Style Formatting

    Tutorial walking you through how to edit your Java code style formatting preferences using Eclipse's Formatter tool. Shows you how to set the size of tab indents; the format of code comments; and the placement of curly braces and control statements.

  • Eclipse: Configure to Automatically Update Code Formatting on Saving

    Brief tutorial showing you how to set your Eclipse preferences so the IDE automatically cleans the formatting of your code each time you save it.

  • Eclipse: Creating and Running a Project

    Tutorial explaining how to create a new Java project in Eclipse. Shows you to create a project, add a Java class to the project, add code to the main() method, and run the project. NOTE: skip down to the section titled "Creating Java Project with Eclipse" and begin the tutorial there.

  • Eclipse: Downloading & Enabling Javadocs

    Tutorial that shows you how to download the Java 10 Standard Edition (SE) documentation (or "Javadocs"), then link it to Eclipse. Doing so gives you access to the Javadoc for a class or method directly in Eclipse's code editor.

  • Eclipse: Generating Javadocs

    Tutorial that walks you through the process of generating Javadocs for your commented Java classes.

  • Eclipse: Importing a Project

    Brief tutorial that shows you how to import an existing Eclipse project (zipped or unzipped) into your workspace.

  • Eclipse: Tips & Tricks

    Tutorial showing you how to perform a number of small, but useful tasks in Eclipse - particularly those whose commands are a bit buried in menus. Tips include how to rename things, find usages of things, delete a project, reformat code, and open your project's folder in File Explorer or Finder (helpful when you need to submit a project to Canvas.)

  • Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram Tutorial

    Tutorial that describes how to create an entity-relationship (ER) diagram to design a database. Describes the components of an ER diagram, as well as the symbols for different notation schemes. Provides a full example in crow's feet notation.

  • Entity-Relationship Diagrams (Visual Paradigm)

    Tutorial on entity-relationship (ER) diagrams using crow's foot notation to design a relational database schema. Walks through the entire design process - from listing entities in the Requirements stage to building the logical and physical models.

  • Figma for Beginners Tutorial

    A four-part video and written tutorial on how to use the Figma prototyping tool.

  • File Handling Cheat Sheet in Python

    Helpful tutorial and reference on how read and write files using Python. Includes examples that open files, read files, and write files in truncate and append modes.

  • Flowgorithm Tutorials (Videos)

    YouTube channel by UKRocketry (Damian Burrin) with a series of short demonstration videos on Flowgorithm. Includes tutorials for functions, arrays, loops, math, random numbers, passing variables, and selected algorithms.

  • For Loops in Python 3 (DigitalOcean)

    Tutorial by Lisa Tagliaferri on how to write for loops in Python. Demonstrates loops using iterating variables and the range() function, as well as loops using sequential variables and the in keyword. Lots of examples to help you out.

  • Genetic Algorithms (geeksforgeeks)

    Tutorial explaining how genetic algorithms work. Includes a relatively simple and well-documented example coded in C++ and Python.

  • Genetic Algorithms Tutorial

    A multi-part tutorial from TutorialsPoint explaining how genetic algorithms work. Covers all facets from population selection, fitness functions, parent selection, crossover, mutation, and more.

  • Git: GitHub for Visual Studio Documentation

    Tutorials on using the GitHub for Visual Studio Extension from the project's official GitHub account. Helps you set up the extension; push repositories to your GitHub account; committing changes, and making pull requests to owners of another repository to "pull" your changes into their original repository for consideration.

  • Git: Setting Up and Using GitHub in Visual Studio

    Tutorial showing you how to install and configure the GitHub Extension for Visual Studio 2017. Walks you though setting up local and remote git repositories, committing code changes, and pushing those changes to your GitHub account. NOTE: feel free to choose any project type...it doesn't have to be an ASP.NET application.

  • Git: Working with GitHub Fork in Visual Studio

    Tutorial showing you how to fork other developers' GitHub projects to your own GitHub repository. Also shows you how to clone your fork to your local machine; create upstream remotes; pull updates from the original project; push your local changes to your remote fork; and create pull requests to the original project.

  • GoPiGo 1 Tutorials & Documentation

    Dexter Industries' page with links for building and programming the original GoPiGo 1 robot vehicle kits. NOTE The descriptions say that the links are for the GoPiGo 2, but they're really for the GoPiGo 1.

  • GoPiGo 2 Tutorials & Documentation

    Dexter Industries' page with links for building and programming the newer GoPiGo 2 robot vehicle kits.

  • GrovePi Tutorials & Documentation

    Dexter Industries' page with links to programming tutorials, projects, and other helpful documents on the GrovePi sensor kits.

  • How to Generate Database Scripts With Data In SQL Server

    Brief tutorial from Nutty About Hosting showing you how to use SQL Server Management Studio to generate SQL script with a database's schema AND data.

  • How To Use String Formatters in Python 3 (DigitalOcean)

    Tutorial by Lisa Tagliaferri on how to do string formatting in Python using the String.format() function. Shows you how to use placeholders, positional arguments, and format code syntax for printing formatted numbers.

  • HTML Tutorial & Reference - W3Schools

    Tutorial and reference website for all things HTML. Each page includes a "try-me-out" section so that you can experiment with different tags and settings.

  • IIS: How to Install on Windows 10

    Brief tutorial that walks you through the steps to install Microsoft's Internet Information Services (IIS) web server and management tools on your own Windows 10 PC.

  • Install: SiLK on Ubuntu

    Wiki-style tutorial that walks you through installing SiLK and YAF on an Ubuntu box. The instructions are a few years old, but should still work for the latest version of Ubuntu.

  • Install: SiLK on Ubuntu (Video)

    Video tutorial that walks you through installing SiLK, YAF, and other NetSA tools on an Ubuntu box. The tutorial is a few years old, but should still work for the latest version of Ubuntu.

  • Installing, Configuring, and Using Hyper-V in Windows 10

    Tutorial that walks you through the process of creating a virtual machine using either Hyper-V Manager or PowerShell on Windows 10. Includes more detailed explanations than the MSDN article. Assumes you have not already installed Hyper-V.

  • Intro to HTML & CSS @ Khan Academy

    Series of tutorials from Khan Academy on building web pages with HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Covers basic and advanced HTML markup, as well as CSS for styling text, creating page layouts, and choosing specific parts of a web page based on relationships.

  • Intro to SQL @ Khan Academy

    Self-paced course that introduces basic SQL queries, queries with Booleans and criteria, joins, and table modification. Provides examples and tests your knowledge of SQL and databases.

  • Introduction to Arrays @ Khan Academy

    Module from the Introduction to JS (JavaScript) & Programming course that explains what arrays are, how they work, and how to use them. Includes code examples and practice exercises.

  • Introduction to Genetic Algorithms

    Helpful tutorial by Vijini Mallawaarachchi that explains how genetic algorithms work. Includes a generic example coded in Java.

  • Introduction to JS (JavaScript) & Programming @ Khan Academy

    Self-paced course that introduces basic programming concepts using JavaScript and the Processing graphics library.

  • Introduction to MongoDB - Getting Started

    Introductory reference and tutorial on MongoDB, a popular NoSQL document database. Walks through the basics of installing and using MongoDB, using the shell client, importing a sample dataset, and using CRUD functions on the data.

  • Introduction to Qt (VoidRealms Video)

    YouTube video series by Bryan Cairns (@VoidRealms) demonstrating all facets of developing a GUI with Qt Creator. The link takes you to Part 1 of the series.

  • Java Client Technologies (Java2D, Swing, and JavaFX)

    Home page for all of Java's 2D graphics and GUI platforms. Includes many links to tutorials and examples on JavaFX, Java2D, and Java Swing

  • Java Formatted Strings

    Tutorial from Home and Learn on using Java's System.out.printf() command and its formatting syntax. Provides examples of formatting strings, integers, and decimal numbers. You can use the same formatting syntax with Java's String.format() method.

  • Java I/O Streams Tutorial

    Oracle tutorial on input and output streams in Java. Also includes explanations and examples of how to use the File class.

  • Java Tutorial: Printing an Array Using a For Loop

    Interactive tutorial demonstrating how to use a for loop to print the elements of an array in Java.

  • Java: Math Class Examples

    Tutorial and program example from GeeksforGeeks showing how to use some of the most commonly-used methods of Java's Math class.

  • Java: Random class

    Tutorial from Digital Ocean demonstrating how to use Java's Random class with examples. Also includes the newer Random class method introduced in Java 8.

  • Java: Scanner Class

    Tutorial that shows you how to use Java's Scanner class to read user input from a console. Demonstrates the class's most popular methods for reading input, as well as those for validating input.

  • Java: JDBC Connection Example

    Example code from Microsoft showing you how to connect to a SQL Server database from a Java progam. Also includes a link for downloading the necessary JDBC database drivers for SQL Server.

  • Java: Loops

    Tutorial that discusses loops and how to write them in Java. Covers the basics of loops and Java syntax for while, for, and do-while loops. Includes examples that you can view and run.

  • Java: String Format Examples

    Examples using Java's String.format() method to format numbers and dates. Also includes a reference for Java's format specifiers (useful with the System.out.printf() method, too).

  • Java: Using String.format()

    Tutorial with examples of how to format numbers, dates, and time in Java using the String.format() method.

  • Javadoc Tutorial

    Brief tutorial on Javadocs, Java's formal, standardized documentation of code. Explains why Javadocs are useful, how they're used, and how you can create them for your own Java classes. Describes doc comment formatting, tags, and styles with an example.

  • JavaFX: TableView Sorting and Filtering

    Tutorial on how to sort and filter data in your JavaFX application's tables.

  • JavaFX: Address Book Tutorial

    Tutorial on building an address book application in JavaFX using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. Makes use of the TableView and ObservableList Java classes, as well as CSS to style the application interface.

  • JavaFX: Introduction to JavaFX for Game Development

    Tutorial introducing JavaFX applications with classes and techniques used for game development

  • JavaScript Tutorial & Reference - W3Schools

    Home page for the W3Schools JavaScript tutorial and reference site.

  • Jenkov: Java NumberFormat Tutorial

    Examples showing you how to use Java's NumberFormat class to format numbers, currencies, and percentages.

  • Jenkov: Java SimpleDateFormat Tutorial

    Tutorial and examples showing you how to format dates and time using Java's SimpleDateFormat class.

  • Jenkov: Java Collections Tutorial

    Tutorial on Java's bulit-in data structures, including the ArrayList, HashMap, and SortedMap classes covered in the CS218 Java Programming and CS216 Data Structures courses

  • Jenkov: Java Date Time Tutorial

    Tutorial covering the original Date Time API, as well as the newer Date Time API introduced in Java 8.

  • Jenkov: Java Exceptions Tutorial

    Covers try-catch blocks, try-with-resource blocks, checked vs. unchecked exceptions, and other related topics.

  • Jenkov: Java I/O Tutorial

    Covers all things related to Java input and output: files, streams, readers. Covers many of the I/O classes individually.

  • Jenkov: Java JDBC Tutorial

    Tutorial by Jakob Jenkov introducing JDBC and how to write Java programs that interact with a relational database. Discusses opening connections, using the PreparedStatement class to build SQL statements securely, and how to use the ResultSet to process data.

  • Jenkov: Java Map Tutorial

    Tutorial (written and video) focusing specifically on Java's Map structures, including the HashMap, and TreeMap classes. Demonstrates how to create a map, add items, get items remove items, check if a key exists, and more.

  • Jenkov: JavaFX Tutorial

    Covers all things related to JavaFX. Introduces the toolkit, and includes separate tutorials for each GUI widget and other features.

  • jQuery Tutorial & Reference - W3Schools

    W3Schools tutorial and reference site for jQuery, a very popular JavaScript framework that greatly simplifies UI development across browsers and platforms.

  • Learn and Master Adobe Xd - Tutorials

    Adobe's official text and video tutorials on designing websites and mobile apps with Adobe Xd. Includes tutorials for designing and prototyping.

  • Learn C++ Tutorials

    Comprehensive tutorial site that covers all of the C++ programming topics one would expect from a textbook. Each topic includes examples and a discussion forum with the website author.

  • Learn CSS Layout

    Step-by-step tutorial that walks you through the fundamentals of using CSS and HTML for web page layouts. Assumes you have working knowledge of HTML and basic CSS.

  • Learn to Code HTML & CSS

    Free, online version of the Learn to Code HTML & CSS book covering the fundamentals of web page design. Includes chapters on the box model; positioning content; typography; backgrounds; gradients; lists; forms; tables; and best practices.

  • Learn TypeScript

    Full tutorial from TutorialsPoint on the TypeScript programming language, a very close relative of JavaScript used as the basis for Angular.

  • Microsoft Project: Create a New Project Plan

    Tutorial from Tutorialspoint that shows you how to set up a basic project plan with Microsoft Project. Covers configuring the work calendar, adding tasks, creating summary tasks, and linking tasks. Note: the tutorial uses Project 2013, but the same instructions apply to Project 2016.

  • Microsoft Project: Resources to Task

    Tutorial from Tutorialspoint that shows you how to add resources to a task in Microsoft Project, assuming you've already set up the resource. Note: the tutorial uses Project 2013, but the same instructions apply to Project 2016.

  • Microsoft Project: Set Up Resources

    Tutorial from Tutorialspoint that shows you how to add resources (people, equipment, etc.) to a project in Microsoft Project. Note: the tutorial uses Project 2013, but the same instructions apply to Project 2016.

  • MongoDB Workbook

    MongoDB tutorial and reference site by Nicholas Johnson. Includes examples, exercises, and sample data sets.

  • Python JSON (W3Schools)

    Tutorial and reference from W3Schools on how to read and write JSON strings using Python.

  • Python Lists (Arrays)

    Tutorial from Google that discusses arrays (lists) in Python, as well as how to loop through them and access elements. Includes examples and illustrations.

  • Qt & Git: Committing Changes

    Brief tutorial showing you how to commit code changes to your Qt project's local Git repository.

  • Qt & Git: Configuring and Pushing to a Remote Git Respository

    Tutorial showing you to configure a remote Git repository for use with a Qt project, then push your commits to that repository. Assumes you have created a local Git repository for your project.

  • Qt & Git: Creating a Local Git Repository

    Brief tutorial showing you to create a local Git repository for an existing Qt project.

  • Qt & Git: How to Configure Git

    Brief tutorial walking you through how to configure Qt to use Git. This assumes that you have downloaded and installed Git for Windows from the Git website.

  • Qt: QCheckBox (VoidRealms video)

    Short video tutorial demonstrating how to set up and use check boxes (QCheckBox) in your Qt GUI application.

  • Qt: QFileDialog: HowTo

    Video tutorial demonstrating how to set up and use a file dialog box (QFileDialog) to open a file in Qt.

  • Qt: QMessageBox (VoidRealms video)

    Video tutorial demonstrating how to set up and use a message box (QMessageBox) in your Qt GUI application.

  • Qt: QPushButton: HowTo

    Tutorial and quick reference for making and using basic buttons in Qt.

  • Qt: QRadioButton (VoidRealms video)

    Short video tutorial demonstrating how to set up and use radio buttons (QRadioButton) in your Qt GUI application.

  • Qt: QStringList (VoidRealms video)

    Video tutorial demonstrating how to use QStringList objects in your Qt GUI application.

  • Qt: QTimer Class Tutorial

    Tutorial walking through how to set up a QTimer timer to run at a fixed intervals in a Qt application.

  • Qt: Basic Programming Tutorial

    A step-by-step tutorial introduction to Qt programming using Qt Creator.

  • Qt: Model/View Tutorial

    An introduction to the Model/View architecture design pattern used by Qt Widget applications, separating data from presentation

  • Qt: SQLite database with Qt - step by step

    A tutorial explaining how to use Qt to connect to a database and run queries. The author uses SQLite, but you can easily adapt what she does to SQL Server and MySQL

  • Qt: Style Sheets Examples

    Qt documentation page with many examples of using a style sheet to control the appearance of GUI widgets. Particularly helpful as a reference for Qt-specific CSS selectors.

  • Red/Black Tree Visualization

    Animated tutorial from the University of San Francisco demonstrating how red-black trees work. Allows you to insert, delete, and find nodes in a red-black tree.

  • Securing Your Azure SQL Database

    Tutorial on securing your Azure SQL database at different levels: firewall settings; secure connection strings; user management; encrypting connections; and auditing database activity.

  • Sorting @ VisuAlgo

    Tutorials and examples of several sorting algorithms. Uses both visualizations and synchronized code snippets to help you better understand how the algorithms work.

  • Sorting: Bubble Sort Algorithm (mycodeschool)

    Video tutorial explaining in detail how the bubble sort algorithm works. Builds up the pseudocode for the algorithm, as well as discusses the time complexity of the algorithm in Big-O notation.

  • Sorting: Quicksort Algorithm (Joe James)

    Video tutorial by Joe James that walks you through how the basic quicksort algorithm works, as well as the Java implementation of quicksort. Also discusses the pros and cons of choosing a certain array items as pivot values.

  • Splunk Search Tutorial

    Official tutorial from Splunk introducing you to the software and its features: search, visualizations, and dashboards. Version 8.0.1.

  • SQL Tutorial &: Reference - W3Schools

    Less of a SQL tutorial and more examples and reference. Covers SQL syntax and table design, with references for specific DBMS. Best of all, you can practice writing SQL queries online with the Northwind database.

  • UML 2 Class Diagrams: an Agile Introduction

    Presents the first few iterations of a class diagram for a university enrollment system. Good example that not only uses simple, standard UML syntax, but also discusses the importance of developing diagrams iteratively.

  • Understanding Ethernet Wiring

    Helpful, comprehensive article from Practical Networking that explains all things Ethernet and the terminology used throughout the family of standards, including wiring specifications.

  • Using Git with Visual Studio

    Tutorial on how to use version control with Git inside of Visual Studio. Learn about creating, cloning, and syncing repositories; workflows and branching; pushing and pulling commits; and merging changes and viewing version histories.

  • Using SQL Server Management Studio (SMSS): Quick Start

    Brief Microsoft tutorial on connecting to and querying Azure-based SQL Server DBMS instances. The same techniques and commands apply to local databases.

  • Visual Studio: Cleaning Your Projects

    Tutorial explaining how to clean your Visual Studio projects prior to submitting them to Moodle.

  • Visual Studio: Create Your First C# Console App

    An quickstart tutorial on creating a basic C# console application with Visual Studio. Helps you create a new C# console application project, then modify the default Hello, World program generated by Visual Studio. Good place to start for beginners.

  • Visual Studio: Getting Started

    Quick introduction and tour of the main parts of Visual Studio: the code editor; Solution Explorer; Properties window, toolbars and menus; Team Explorer, and the Output window.

  • Visual Studio: Getting Started with C++

    Short introduction tutorial on how to create a simple " Hello, World " C++ application using Visual Studio. Great place to start for beginners!

  • Visual Studio: Solutions and Projects

    Introduction tutorials on solutions and projects in Visual Studio. Helpful sections include creating solutions and projects; and adding and removing items from projects;

  • Visual Studio: Writing and Refactoring Code (C++)

    Discusses the different tools in Visual Studio to help you write and change C++ code. Quick introductions to IntelliSense; code snippets; the Class Wizard; the refactoring tools in the Quick Action menus and Edit > Refactor menu; QuickInfo tooltips; Peek Definition; and the Quick Launch search bar.

  • Why Computers Use Binary

    Tutorial from Central Connecticut State University that explains why most computers use binary (advantages to binary, etc.)

  • Writing JUnit 4 Tests in Eclipse IDE

    Tutorial demonstrating how to write and run JUnit 4 unit tests in Eclipse. NOTE: The tutorial uses an older version (Luna) of Eclipse, but the same steps apply to the current version.

  • XML Tutorial (W3Schools)

    Tutorial by W3Schools on the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) for data interchange and storage.