Binary & Logic

  • Introduction to Arrays @ Khan Academy

    Module from the Introduction to JS (JavaScript) & Programming course that explains what arrays are, how they work, and how to use them. Includes code examples and practice exercises.

  • Introduction to Binary (BBC)

    Tutorial from the BBC covering both binary math and data representation

  • Demo

    Online version of software to create "live" circuit diagrams. Experiment with various logic gates, inputs, and outputs to gain a better of understanding of circuits and Boolean logic.

  • MARIE CPU Simulator

    The online JS version of the MARIE ('Machine Architecture that is Really Intuitive and Easy') CPU simulator that accompanies the Null and Lobur textbook.

  • MARIE CPU Simulator - Documentation

    A brief introduction to the online JavaScript version of the MARIE CPU Simulator

  • Why Computers Use Binary

    Tutorial from Central Connecticut State University that explains why most computers use binary (advantages to binary, etc.)