
  • ASP.NET MVC 5 Partial View with Ajax Form

    Brief tutorial that demonstrates how to make a simple AJAX search form in MVC 5 that returns results as a partial view.

  • C# for Absolute Beginners - Channel 9 (MSDN)

    Free online training videos from Microsoft that introduce the C# programming language. Lectures cover everything in the the CS225 C#.NET Programming course, plus a few other things that would be in an advanced course (e.g. LINQ)

  • C# Fundamentals - BlackWasp Tutorials

    Multi-part series of tutorials from BlackWasp that help you through the basics of C# syntax and concepts. Covers a broad range of introductory topics, including variables, operators, assignment, decisions, loops, and methods.

  • C# String Class Reference - MSDN

    Official API reference for C#'s String class and its many methods. Includes short examples with each method.

  • C#: Choosing Random Numbers (Dot-Net Perls)

    Tutorial on C#'s Random class to generate pseudo-random numbers. Includes many examples that uses the basic class, LINQ, and the RNGCryptoServiceProvider class for cryptography.

  • C#: Customizing the ToString Method - BlackWasp Tutorials

    Tutorial from BlackWasp that shows you to override the ToString method that every C# class inherits from the System.Object class. Also provides an example of setting up properties for fields.

  • C#: Breakpoints and Tracepoints in Visual Studio

    Tutorial from BlackWasp on how to use breakpoints and tracepoints to debug your C# code in Visual Studio. Note: the same tools and techniques apply to debugging code in any other language.

  • C#: Class Properties - BlackWasp Tutorials

    Tutorial by BlackWasp on using properties in your C# classes, allowing access to their private data members. Properties are simple, but essential parts of data-driven applications.

  • C#: Conditional Statements - BlackWasp Tutorials

    Tutorial from BlackWasp covering C# conditional statements for writing code that makes decisions. Includes if, if-else, and switch-case statements.

  • C#: Converting Strings to Numbers - BlackWasp Tutorials

    BlackWasp tutorial demonstrating how to convert strings into numeric data types in your C# programs. Covers the Convert.To, as well as the Parse command with and without the use of number styles.

  • C#: Dictionary Examples (Dot Net Perls)

    Dot Net Perls tutorial and examples of C#'s Dictionary collections class. Discusses some more advanced features, including using the TryGetValue() method with out parameters; creating key-value pairs using a list initializer; and using the var keyword.

  • C#: Dot Net Perls

    A C# reference and tutorial site that is a bit...out there. However, the site provides many, many EXCELLENT examples with clear, to-the-point explanations. Covers other programming languages, as well.

  • C#: Loops - BlackWasp Tutorials

    BlackWasp tutorials on writing loops in C#. The tutorials begin with traditional for loops, then move to foreach loops, followed by while loops. Also demonstrate the break and continue keywords.

  • C#: Math Class Reference - MSDN

    Official API reference for C#'s Math class and its many methods. Includes short examples with each method.

  • C#: Numeric Formats in Strings

    A brief tutorial and reference by CodeBuns demonstrating how to format numbers (e.g., currency, percent, fixed) for use in strings, including syntax and shortcut specifiers - all with examples.

  • C#: Object-Oriented Programming - BlackWasp Tutorials

    Multi-part series of tutorials from BlackWasp on using object-oriented principles and techniques in C#. Covers objects, classes, interfaces, inheritance, polymorphism, delegates, and event handling.

  • C#: String Formatting Examples

    Blog post that nicely summarizes how to use special string format characters in C#. The post uses them with the String.Format() function (good to know!), but you can also use them with Console.Write() and Console.WriteLine().

  • C#: the for Statement - Channel 9 (MSDN)

    From the C# for Absolute Beginners video tutorial series: walks through how to use for loops using a simple counter, and how to combine loops with decision statements. Also shows you how to use Visual Studio's debugger to step through code line-by-line.

  • C#: the if Statement - Channel 9 (MSDN)

    From the C# for Absolute Beginners video tutorial series. Walks you through different decision statements: if, if-else, if-else-if, and the ternary operator. Also demonstrates how to use string placeholder syntax to cleanly print output that combines values with a string literal "template"

  • C#: the while Statement - Channel 9 (MSDN)

    From the C# for Absolute Beginners video tutorial series: walks through how to use while and do-while loops using different kinds of conditional tests. Also shows you how to use the Random class to generate pseudo-random numbers in a simple "Guess-a-Number" game.

  • C#: Understanding Arrays - Channel 9 (MSDN)

    From the C# for Absolute Beginners video tutorial series: lecture on arrays and how to work with them in C#. Also demonstrates how use the foreach loop to visit all of the elements in a full array; how to make a char[] array from a string, and how to use the Reverse function of the standard Array class.

  • C#: Visual Studio Debug Mode

    Introductory tutorial from BlackWasp on using the Visual Studio debugger. One of many articles that talk specifically about debugging.

  • Head First C#, 4th Edition Website

    Official GitHub page of the Head First C#, 4th Edition book. Includes the book's source code, video walkthroughs, Unity labs, solutions to exercises, and additional downloadable projects.

  • Pro ASP.NET Core 6: Source Code

    The source code for all examples from the book Pro ASP.NET Core 6 by Adam Freeman. Includes all examples from the early chapters, as well as a build-up of the SportsStore application.

  • Visual Studio: Create Your First C# Console App

    An quickstart tutorial on creating a basic C# console application with Visual Studio. Helps you create a new C# console application project, then modify the default Hello, World program generated by Visual Studio. Good place to start for beginners.

  • Visual Studio: Submitting Your C# and C++ Projects

    Quick help page explaining how to submit your C# and C++ projects from Visual Studio.