
  • Azure for Students - Signup

    Sign up for a free account with Microsoft's popular Azure cloud computing service. Use your Thomas email and receive $100 in credits, good for up to 12 months.

  • Azure: Controlling and Granting SQL Database Access

    Discusses how to give people and applications access to your Azure SQL database, including the use of administrative accounts, groups and roles, server logins, and database users . Also discusses (with examples) how to grant limited user permissions using built-in stored procedures, as well as security policies and restrictions that govern which users can perform sensitive operations.

  • Azure: Design your first Azure SQL database

    Microsoft tutorial on setting up a SQL Server database server in your Azure account, as well as designing a database using SQL Server 2016 Management Studio. NOTE: Your Azure for Students license lets you set up one database per region (e.g., Eastern U.S., Southern U.S., Western Europe). You can still set up multiple databases in your account, as long as you choose a unique region for each instance.

  • Creating SQL Logins and SQL Users on your Azure SQL Database

    MSDN blog post tutorial on how to create logins and users for an Azure SQL Server and Database. Also shows you how to assign specific database roles to users. NOTE: the tutorial was written for an Azure database, but the same SQL commands, roles, and stored procedures apply to local SQL Server databases, as well.

  • Securing Your Azure SQL Database

    Tutorial on securing your Azure SQL database at different levels: firewall settings; secure connection strings; user management; encrypting connections; and auditing database activity.

  • Using SQL Server Management Studio (SMSS): Quick Start

    Brief Microsoft tutorial on connecting to and querying Azure-based SQL Server DBMS instances. The same techniques and commands apply to local databases.