Microsoft Visual Studio 2022: Install

  1. Find and launch the Visual Studio Installer you downloaded from Azure.

  2. The Installation Options window appears. Which language(s) do you plan on using?

  3. Check on the .NET desktop development workload. This has everything needed for the CS225 C#.NET Programming course.

    Check on the Desktop development with C++ workload.

    You also need to install additional Optional Components for the CS245 Object-Oriented Programming with C++ course:

    • In the Summary panel on the right-hand side of the installer window, check the C++/CLI support item in the Optional section (see above).
    • On the Optional Components tab and under the Code Tools section, check Git for Windows and GitHub extension for Visual Studio.

    Check on the ASP.NET and Web Development workload.

  4. Hit the Install button to begin the installation.


× Note:   Be warned that the installer will download anywhere from 2 to 8 GB worth of stuff. Make sure you're on a good network connection! When the installation completes, the installer may ask you to Restart your computer.

Where to Go Next

With Visual Studio installed, you can then...