
  • Adobe Xd: UI Kits and Other Resources

    Adobe Xd reference page with links to free UI kits that you can download and use as mobile app/website templates. Also includes links to icon sets and plug-ins.

  • APA In-Text Citations (Purdue Owl)

    Purdue Owl guide and reference on creating in-text citations that follow APA style guidelines.

  • APA Sample Papers (Purdue Owl)

    Sample research papers formatted according to APA style guidelines. NOTE: use the menus below each paper to download and save them as Adobe PDF documents.

  • APA Style Guide (Purdue Owl)

    Purdue Owl's style guide and reference for formatting research papers according to APA style guidelines.

  • ASCII Table

    Presents a table of all ASCII characters and their codes in decimal, octal, hexadecimal, and HTML entities.

  • C# String Class Reference - MSDN

    Official API reference for C#'s String class and its many methods. Includes short examples with each method.

  • C#: Dot Net Perls

    A C# reference and tutorial site that is a bit...out there. However, the site provides many, many EXCELLENT examples with clear, to-the-point explanations. Covers other programming languages, as well.

  • C#: Math Class Reference - MSDN

    Official API reference for C#'s Math class and its many methods. Includes short examples with each method.

  • C#: Numeric Formats in Strings

    A brief tutorial and reference by CodeBuns demonstrating how to format numbers (e.g., currency, percent, fixed) for use in strings, including syntax and shortcut specifiers - all with examples.

  • C#: String Formatting Examples

    Blog post that nicely summarizes how to use special string format characters in C#. The post uses them with the String.Format() function (good to know!), but you can also use them with Console.Write() and Console.WriteLine().

  • C++ Resources Network

    Comprehensive website with references, tutorials, forums, and other information on the C++ language.

  • C++: <random> Library Reference

    Reference for the <random> library with improved random number generators introduced in C++ 11. Includes an example that simulates rolling a die.

  • C++: Type Casting Operators

    Tutorial and reference on the different C++ casting operators. Includes an example using the general ( ) casting operator.

  • C++: const Declaration: Why & How

    Reference explaining the purposes of C++'s const keyword and how to use it.

  • C++: ctime Time Functions Reference

    Reference for time-related functions and types in C++. Includes struct tm, time_t, time(), asctime(), and others.

  • C++: map Class Template Reference

    Reference for C++'s map data structure class template

  • C++: string Class Reference

    Reference for C++'s string class functions

  • C++: vector Class Template Reference

    Reference for C++'s vector data structure class template

  • C++: Converting Strings and Numbers

    Reference that provides several examples of how to convert standard string objects to numeric types, and vice versa. Includes the C++11 functions (stoi, stod), as well as older functions (atoi, atof) inherited from C.

  • Code Samples: Network Security Through Data Analysis, 2nd Edition

    Repository set up by Michael Collins with Python code samples presented in the book.

  • Commonly Used Metric System Units (USMA)

    Table from the U.S. Metric Association showing the most commonly-used metric system prefixes and what they mean, including conversion factors.

  • CSS Tutorial & Reference - W3Schools

    Tutorial and reference website for all things related to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Each page includes a "try-me-out" section so that you can experiment with different styles on web page fragments.

  • CSS/HTML Standard Colors

    W3schools list of colors supported by all major browsers. Includes color names, hex codes, and swatches.

  • Data.gov

    Provided by the U.S. General Services Administration, the site contains thousands of free and publicly-available data sets in a variety of formats and domains. Browse by topic or search by keyword.

  • Draw.io

    A free online diagramming software alternative to Microsoft Visio for building UML, E-R, and network diagrams, as well as process and organizational charts.

  • Eclipse: Generating Javadocs

    Tutorial that walks you through the process of generating Javadocs for your commented Java classes.

  • EGit Tutorial - Using Git Support in Eclipse

    Tutorial and reference page that explains how to set up and use Git source control with Eclipse. Walks you through using local and remote repositories, committing changes, reverting changes, cloning repositories, and branching.

  • EmojiCopy - Emoji Library

    Library of standard Unicode emojis, all available to download as sprites, web fonts, or native formats.

  • Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram Tutorial

    Tutorial that describes how to create an entity-relationship (ER) diagram to design a database. Describes the components of an ER diagram, as well as the symbols for different notation schemes. Provides a full example in crow's feet notation.

  • Entity-Relationship Diagrams (Visual Paradigm)

    Tutorial on entity-relationship (ER) diagrams using crow's foot notation to design a relational database schema. Walks through the entire design process - from listing entities in the Requirements stage to building the logical and physical models.

  • File Handling Cheat Sheet in Python

    Helpful tutorial and reference on how read and write files using Python. Includes examples that open files, read files, and write files in truncate and append modes.

  • Flowgorithm Documentation

    Documentation and help page for Flowgorithm. Includes links to reference pages for all flowchart symbols, built-in functions, data types, keywords, and other programming features. Also includes sample programs that you can download and run.

  • Font Awesome: Free Icons

    Searchable gallery of all free Font Awesome icons

  • GoPiGo 1 Tutorials & Documentation

    Dexter Industries' page with links for building and programming the original GoPiGo 1 robot vehicle kits. NOTE The descriptions say that the links are for the GoPiGo 2, but they're really for the GoPiGo 1.

  • GoPiGo 2 Tutorials & Documentation

    Dexter Industries' page with links for building and programming the newer GoPiGo 2 robot vehicle kits.

  • GrovePi Tutorials & Documentation

    Dexter Industries' page with links to programming tutorials, projects, and other helpful documents on the GrovePi sensor kits.

  • Head First C#, 4th Edition Website

    Official GitHub page of the Head First C#, 4th Edition book. Includes the book's source code, video walkthroughs, Unity labs, solutions to exercises, and additional downloadable projects.

  • HTML & CSS Code Samples (Duckett)

    HTML & CSS examples from Jon Duckett's book HTML & CSS: Design and Build Websites. To view the HTML and CSS behind each web page, right-click on the page and choose View Page Source.

  • HTML Tutorial & Reference - W3Schools

    Tutorial and reference website for all things HTML. Each page includes a "try-me-out" section so that you can experiment with different tags and settings.

  • Introduction to Binary (BBC)

    Tutorial from the BBC covering both binary math and data representation

  • Introduction to MongoDB - Getting Started

    Introductory reference and tutorial on MongoDB, a popular NoSQL document database. Walks through the basics of installing and using MongoDB, using the shell client, importing a sample dataset, and using CRUD functions on the data.

  • Java Math Class

    The official Javadoc and API for the Java Math class.

  • Java Cheat Sheets & Examples - Vogella

    Quick reference for basic Java language syntax: classes, instance variables, local variables, methods and constructors. Includes easy-to-understand examples with clear, concise explanations.

  • Java Client Technologies (Java2D, Swing, and JavaFX)

    Home page for all of Java's 2D graphics and GUI platforms. Includes many links to tutorials and examples on JavaFX, Java2D, and Java Swing

  • Java Serialization (tutorialspoint)

    Tutorial by tutorialspoint demonstrating how to serialize and deserialize Java objects. Examples include the use of the transient to mark fields that should not be serialized.

  • Java: String class

    The official Javadoc and API of the Java String class.

  • Java: Setting the PATH environment variable

    This page explains how to set the PATH variable on a variety of operating systems. Setting the path to your Java JDK distribution makes it easier to compile and run Java source and class files, respectively, from anywhere on your machine. NOTE: Set your PATH variable prior to running Eclipse for the first time to prevent startup errors.

  • Java: String Format Examples

    Examples using Java's String.format() method to format numbers and dates. Also includes a reference for Java's format specifiers (useful with the System.out.printf() method, too).

  • JavaScript Tutorial & Reference - W3Schools

    Home page for the W3Schools JavaScript tutorial and reference site.

  • jQuery Tutorial & Reference - W3Schools

    W3Schools tutorial and reference site for jQuery, a very popular JavaScript framework that greatly simplifies UI development across browsers and platforms.

  • Learn CSS Layout

    Step-by-step tutorial that walks you through the fundamentals of using CSS and HTML for web page layouts. Assumes you have working knowledge of HTML and basic CSS.

  • MARIE CPU Simulator - Documentation

    A brief introduction to the online JavaScript version of the MARIE CPU Simulator

  • MLA Footnotes (Purdue Owl)

    Purdue Owl guide and reference on creating footnotes that follow MLA style guidelines.

  • MLA Sample Paper (Purdue Owl)

    A sample research paper formatted according to MLA style guidelines. NOTE: the paper is saved as an Adobe PDF document.

  • MLA Sample Works Cited Page

    Purdue Owl reference with a sample Works Cited page formatted according to recent MLA style guidelines.

  • MLA Style Guide (Purdue Owl)

    Purdue Owl's style guide and reference for formatting research papers according to MLA style guidelines.

  • MongoDB Workbook

    MongoDB tutorial and reference site by Nicholas Johnson. Includes examples, exercises, and sample data sets.

  • On Endianness

    Blog post from Karl Stenerud discussing the history of endianness in computing, as well as a detailed comparison of how the two storage formats perform for different computing tasks.

  • Pro ASP.NET Core 6: Source Code

    The source code for all examples from the book Pro ASP.NET Core 6 by Adam Freeman. Includes all examples from the early chapters, as well as a build-up of the SportsStore application.

  • Python math Library Reference

    Official Python reference for the built-in math library. Includes number representation, power/logarithmic, trigonometric, angular conversion, and mathematical constants (e.g., pi, e, etc.)

  • Python random Library Reference

    Official Python reference for the built-in random library. Includes documentation for the random integers functions, randrange() and randint(), as well as functions for sequences and real-value distributions. Also includes a section of helpful examples at the end of the reference page.

  • Python string Reference

    Official Python reference for the built-in string type and its functions. Often includes examples using the functions, as well as written descriptions.

  • Python Built-In Functions

    Python reference page for all built-in functions in its standard library. No need to import any modules...these global functions are available any time you need them. Functions include conversion functions, basic math functions, basic sorting functions, the input() function, and many others.

  • Python Lists (Arrays)

    Tutorial from Google that discusses arrays (lists) in Python, as well as how to loop through them and access elements. Includes examples and illustrations.

  • Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science (Textbook Website)

    Provides sample code and documentation for the graphics.py module used in the CS175 Introduction to Programming Logic & Design course.

  • Qt: Converting Text and Numbers to and from QString

    Reference that provides several examples of conversions among QString objects, standard strings, and numbers. Also provides an example of how to format numbers using QLocale.

  • Qt: Style Sheets Examples

    Qt documentation page with many examples of using a style sheet to control the appearance of GUI widgets. Particularly helpful as a reference for Qt-specific CSS selectors.

  • Raspberry Pi Help Guides & Resources

    The Raspberry Pi Foundation's help page. Includes quick-start guides for the Pi computers, Python, Terminal, and other features. Also includes documentation and FAQs.

  • Regular Expressions 101

    Online regular expression tool with helpful, token-by-token explanations of your test expressions and matches. Tests PCRE, Python, Javascript, Golang style expressions. Also includes a quick reference.

  • Resume Design (Purdue OWL)

    Purdue OWL page discussing how lay out and write your resume using effective design choices and principles.

  • Resumes and Vitas (Purdue OWL)

    Purdue OWL website section on designing and writing resumes. Includes tips on what to include in a resume, as well as how to lay out your resume and write your content to best get an employer's attention.

  • Sample Business Letters (Purdue Owl)

    Purdue Owl page presenting three versions of a business letter in different formats: Block Format, Modified Block Format, and Semi-Block Format.

  • SecRepo - Security Data Samples

    A repository maintained by Mike Sconzo, containing links to publicly-available security data sets. NOTE: Some links may be broken.

  • SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard (Security)

    Online book from Carnegie Mellon's Software Engineering Institute detailing recommended coding practices and rules for writing secure C++ applications.

  • SEI CERT Oracle Coding Standard for Java (Security)

    Wiki maintained by Carnegie Mellon's Software Engineering Institute detailing recommended coding practices and rules for writing secure Java applications.

  • Service-Oriented Architecture: The Open Group

    Source Book page from the Open Group on service-oriented architecture (SOA). Includes definitions and how SOA relates to enterprise architecture.

  • SiLK: Reference Data

    Sample data sets provided by CERT to test SiLK's capabilities.

  • SQL Tutorial &: Reference - W3Schools

    Less of a SQL tutorial and more examples and reference. Covers SQL syntax and table design, with references for specific DBMS. Best of all, you can practice writing SQL queries online with the Northwind database.

  • Subnet Calculator

    Subnet calculator provided by TunnelsUP. You fill an example IP address with a CIDR prefix, and the calculator provides all the configuration details for the address's subnet (net mask, usable range, usable hosts, etc.)

  • Subnet Mask Cheat Sheet

    Summary of subnetting information for networks of various sizes. Includes very helpful and detailed tables of all subnets derived from the most commonly-used CIDR prefixes.

  • System Use Cases: an Agile Introduction

    Discusses and presents both informal and formal system uses cases used in agile projects.

  • The TOGAF Standard (Open Group)

    Official documentation for the Open Group's TOGAF standard for Enterprise Architecture.

  • UML 2 Class Diagrams: an Agile Introduction

    Presents the first few iterations of a class diagram for a university enrollment system. Good example that not only uses simple, standard UML syntax, but also discusses the importance of developing diagrams iteratively.

  • Understanding Ethernet Wiring

    Helpful, comprehensive article from Practical Networking that explains all things Ethernet and the terminology used throughout the family of standards, including wiring specifications.

  • Visual Studio: Changing the Default Projects Save Location

    Quick reference page showing you how to change the default folder location in which Visual Studio saves your projects.

  • Visual Studio: Personalizing the IDE

    Links to reference pages on how to personalize your Visual Studio interface: change fonts and colors; customizing menus and toolbars; and customizing window layouts.

  • Visual Studio: Submitting Your C# and C++ Projects

    Quick help page explaining how to submit your C# and C++ projects from Visual Studio.

  • Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts

    Comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10 for commonly-performed tasks.

  • Writing Basic Business Letters

    Purdue Owl page that explains how to write a basic formal letter for business.