Visual Studio: Submitting Your C# and C++ Projects

Please follow these steps in order when submitting your Visual Studio solution to Canvas. Doing so well help you avoid common problems/mistakes students run into during the process.


NOTE: These instructions assume you have your solution open in Visual Studio.

  1. In the Solution Explorer, right-click on the solution icon and choose Open Folder in File Explorer:

  2. IMPORTANT: Close your project's solution (File menu > Close Solution), or exit out of Visual Studio entirely. This unlocks the solution's files in Windows, allowing you to zip and upload them to Canvas.

  3. In File Explorer, go up one level to your solution's top-level folder. You can do this by either...

    • Hitting the folder's name in File Explorer's file tree.

    • Hitting the folder's name in File Explorer's address bar.

    • Hitting the "Up" arrow in File Explorer's toolbar.

  4. To zip your solution folder, right-click on the solution folder and choose Compress to ZIP file (Windows 11) or Send To > Compressed (zipped) file (Windows 10):

DONE. You are ready to submit your work to Canvas.

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