
  • A Guide to Java Sockets (Baeldung)

    Tutorial and reference by Baeldung on using TCP and UDP sockets in Java. Includes basic examples that demonstrate Java's class in action.

  • Commonly Used Metric System Units (USMA)

    Table from the U.S. Metric Association showing the most commonly-used metric system prefixes and what they mean, including conversion factors.

  • Creating a Network Diagram with Network Notepad

    Brief video tutorial showing you how to install and use the Network Notepad diagramming tool.

  • Displaying and Flushing your DNS cache (Windows, Mac, and Linux)

    Brief guide from SolarWinds explaining how to both display and flush the DNS cache on a Mac, Windows PC, or Linux host.

  • Network Notepad: Download

    Download the Freeware Edition of this network diagram drawing tool. NOTE: The software is only available on Windows.

  • Subnet Calculator

    Subnet calculator provided by TunnelsUP. You fill an example IP address with a CIDR prefix, and the calculator provides all the configuration details for the address's subnet (net mask, usable range, usable hosts, etc.)

  • Subnet Mask Cheat Sheet

    Summary of subnetting information for networks of various sizes. Includes very helpful and detailed tables of all subnets derived from the most commonly-used CIDR prefixes.

  • Understanding Ethernet Wiring

    Helpful, comprehensive article from Practical Networking that explains all things Ethernet and the terminology used throughout the family of standards, including wiring specifications.

  • Wireshark Download

    Download the Wireshark network packet analyzer application. Installers are available for a variety of operating systems.