CS330 - Computer Design & Architecture Resources
Presents a table of all ASCII characters and their codes in decimal, octal, hexadecimal, and HTML entities.
On Endianness
Blog post from Karl Stenerud discussing the history of endianness in computing, as well as a detailed comparison of how the two storage formats perform for different computing tasks.
ARM Assembler in Raspberry Pi
An online book and tutorial on ARM assembly programming with the Raspberry Pi computer.
MARIE CPU Simulator
The online JS version of the MARIE ('Machine Architecture that is Really Intuitive and Easy') CPU simulator that accompanies the Null and Lobur textbook.
Introduction to Binary (BBC)
Tutorial from the BBC covering both binary math and data representation
Logic.ly Demo
Online version of software to create "live" circuit diagrams. Experiment with various logic gates, inputs, and outputs to gain a better of understanding of circuits and Boolean logic.
Why Computers Use Binary
Tutorial from Central Connecticut State University that explains why most computers use binary (advantages to binary, etc.)