IS421 - Enterprise Architecture Resources
Apache Hadoop: Download
Download the latest release version of Apache Hadoop. Hadoop is an open-source platform for storing and processing very large datasets over clusters of machines.
MongoDB Community Server: Download
Download the MongoDB NoSQL database installer for your operating system.
MongoDB Database Tools: Download
Download the MongoDB Database Tools package for your operating system. The package features admin tools for exporting, importing, and restoring MongoDB databases.
Service-Oriented Architecture: The Open Group
Source Book page from the Open Group on service-oriented architecture (SOA). Includes definitions and how SOA relates to enterprise architecture.
The TOGAF Standard (Open Group)
Official documentation for the Open Group's TOGAF standard for Enterprise Architecture.
Introduction to MongoDB - Getting Started
Introductory reference and tutorial on MongoDB, a popular NoSQL document database. Walks through the basics of installing and using MongoDB, using the shell client, importing a sample dataset, and using CRUD functions on the data.
MongoDB Workbook
MongoDB tutorial and reference site by Nicholas Johnson. Includes examples, exercises, and sample data sets.
Create a Virtual Machine with Hyper-V on Windows 10
Tutorial that walks you through the process of creating a virtual machine using Hyper-V Manager on Windows 10. The article assumes Hyper-V Manager has already been enabled.
Installing, Configuring, and Using Hyper-V in Windows 10
Tutorial that walks you through the process of creating a virtual machine using either Hyper-V Manager or PowerShell on Windows 10. Includes more detailed explanations than the MSDN article. Assumes you have not already installed Hyper-V.